From My Heart To Yours

“Living from your heart is your

key to freedom.”

Atma Gita Russ Mobley Atma Gita Russ Mobley

People ASK, “How do I Change my BODY?!”


First,….LOOK at your behaviors relating to your body.

START with / your DIET / your FOOD / and you SEE your SELF in a mirror / …..then watch your MIND .

We know that if you eat bad food, you will FEEL bad. If you eat OLD food you will FEEL OLD. If you eat PRESERVED food, you will feel PRESEVRED. Intuitively, you KNOW exactly why you FEEL bad, sick or stiff. Your BODY can not tell a lie….and thats the problem that keeps us GROUNDED in reality which is a blessing!

Change its inevitable, however, what kind of change is up to you. YOU are the boss! If you ignore the ever present symptoms thats happening in your body right now long enough, your body will remove or shutdown the parts that are containing the “bad/old/or preserved-ness” that has converted the food into what you are feeling.

If you find yourself feeling tight, stiff, sore, old, tired, getting colds, sniffles, aches and pains - - - - pay attention!!! This is your TRUE listening to your body/mind speaking to you through your BODY!!!

Don’t wait until something chronic shows up!

And remember, not to judge yourself in a negative way as you begin to see, hear or feel what it’s saying.




Remember that your food choices are premeditated, consciously or unconsciously, which means “you” must take FULL responsibility for your body and it’s state of being.

“You” must exercise your MENTAL WILL to make the changes necessary.

This might be hard to digest mentally, But ask yourself, “how do you think your body feels?” You know it needs and wants your attention!


Have an honest conversation with yourself as you truly listen to the dialogue. Do you hEAR the negative thoughts about your body? Do you FEEL badness, in your mind, the discontent, the lack of peaceful harmony? You can trust it. There are parts of your that has no pain, or mental or emotional feelings. That’s because it’s flowing and is in a good state.


In this awareness exercise, you might notice if you FEEL tired or exhausted, overwhelmed or defeated not wanting to start another mental or physical commitment to plan you food, diet or exercise. There’s also another part of you that knows you need to change and return back to your normal state of being, which is being tpainfree, flexible and beautiful. Know that your body will follow you around until it dies, no matter how good or bad you partner with it. It’s the only vehicle you have.

However, we are talking about YOU! Not your body. YOU will bring your body, versus your body bringing You!!!


You can say something like,

“I know the truth of what I need to do to take care of my body.”

“I have faith that my knowing is the truth, and it will set me free.”

Repeat it often. Leave notes everywhere to REMIND your mind to help YOU be free.

Free from what? To set yourSELF free from the part of YOURself that causes all of this unhappiness from not changing yourself. You know if you eat good food and have good thoughts you will FEEL good. And the better you FEEL the better you will LOOK.

You already know all of this. However, reminding yourself, that if you stop eating food your body should or should not have, you will begin to change instantly. Your body is the food you eat and the way you feel about it.

The same is true for your thoughts. They are attached to your food. They are stored in your stomach and in your mind.

You are literally listening to and holding onto all of the bad and negative, repetitive thoughts in your mind. You will take on the illusion that you are the contents and become stuck with them,…..this is literal,…..from a physical, mental and emotional perspective.


Ask it, “Are you willing to trust me to take control of my body and use my mind right now to make changes for the better? If you are. I want you to help me by trusting me. Can you do that? Then listen to it.


So, inclosing, let me challenge you to “Inspire Yourself!” to take these inner steps of connecting with your body. Take action! No matter where you are in your life, I want you to know that you can empower you true authentic self anytime, anywhere. You can overcome any and every obstacle. Nothing can stop you, no matter what you want to achieve as it relates to your body. Losing or gaining weight, and exercising is the external manifestation of an inner or inward reality.

Your food and your body turns into your physical life. It is the most intimate possession you have and manage.

If you FEEL hopeless or stuck in any way know that your help is here. Now, its up to you to overcome your MENTAL hurdle of fears, worries and doubts about your whatever it is you need or want to do.

NEXT - Take action - ASK FOR HELP!

Reach out NOW!!! and do what you need to get someone to HELP you.

There is no time like the present moment to help yourself FEEL better.


Your body lives without you living it. Your thoughts think without you thinking them. You are not the do’er of your LIFE! YOU are LIFE! You are the one who sees all of this activity. And if you are anything like me, one day I came to and I realized that I am in control of my life, no one else. I was ready. And I started taking action on what was going on in my own body. That was 29 years ago, and nothing has stopped me from taking care of myself.

So, the message here is, if you FEEL bad, pay attention! This is your wake up call. It’s the best and most loving alarm you’ll ever have. BE the blessing that you are when you feel good for absolutely no reason!

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May the love and light of Truth ring sweetly in your ears and may the conscious joy of love override all fear, worry and doubt so you can exercise taking action that hurts so good. Walk in faith as you trust yourself to take the next right action.

My dear friends, thats, how you change your body.

I deeply care about you and want you to empower your true self.

Love and blessings!


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Russ Mobley Russ Mobley

How to Be Free


Live from your heart every moment of every day.

Do not stop.

Your heart is your guide.

Do what you love and watch anger, hate and jealousy never use you.

Take action without regret, worry or indecision.

Get your own house in order.

Nurture your body, mind and heart with a practice that works.

Exercise your body.

Teach your mind to serve you.

Listen to and feel your heart with love, grace and understanding.

Nurture your Soul.

Be still in action and in stillness.

Help your friends do the same.

Learn to love your acquaintances and enemies.

Be conscious of what the Source from which you came wants to do with your life, including all your stuff.

Take care of the things that you call your self, property, money, business, family, friends, animals, and plants, including the vastness of the known and unknown in this world, and space beyond our knowing.

Use your social life to mirror your personal life.

Walk to offset depression.

Breathe to calm the mind.

Follow your bodies energy to balance and heal itself.

Use an intention like, “I love myself as I am”, until you mean it.

Help others love themselves by saying, “I accept myself and others as they are,” until you mean it.

Set a goal and act on it, to help someone in your life everyday, starting right now.

Help others live from their heart and watch unlimited acts of kindness transform your mind and your heart.

Choose to live a free, happy and joyous life no matter what happens.

Everything else simply does not work because Life needs no work to be complete, whole and real.

You are the Light of the World.

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Russ Mobley Russ Mobley

Tell me why before…(suicide)

People who commit suicide teach me how to live.
— Russ Mobley

Knowing how to die is one thing, but do you know how to live.

I have learned that people who talk about killing themselves typically don’t. I was taught many lessons listening to people share about their life, especially people who are in pain sound like they are whining. I discovered their whining is their truth. And, when people share their truth, it really matters if someone is truly listening.

I learned that listening to someone pour their heart out literally is saving their life way before suicidal options comes into focus. Advice givers or people who have an agenda to hurry up the conversation miss the opportunity to be trusted when its needed the most. I feel sad when I see it happening. The people who hurt the most are in many ways, my heroes. They teach me how to relate to my own feelings and live a full, open, honest and productive life.

It’s clear everybody struggles. Many can talk about struggling and others are not able to. Many simply don’t know how to deal with pain and suffering in a healthy way, and are afraid to ask. It takes a lot of courage to listen to another speak their truth.

Do you know someone who is struggling? Maybe consider listening to them. Are you struggling? Maybe consider talking from your heart.

I have learned to say yes to my struggle on the listening and sharing side. I hope you do too.

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Russ Mobley Russ Mobley

My body…


“Brussels sprouts” and “the body” is so far beyond what I think I know.

I do know that I have a body, however, I am not my body.

And just because I say it’s, “my body” does not make it so.

I do have thoughts, but I am not my thoughts.

Can you imagine how many times I have said, “my” body or “my” thoughts,…...hmmm.

I watch what I say since waking up.

New expressions of what I call “my body” keep showing up, and I’m not doing it since the beginning of my time in the womb.

No one in this world can make a body, including me.

So, I know it’s definitely not mine, but I do have one.

In this case today, I eat brussels sprouts and it turns into my body. So yes, I do have some control over what my body does feel like and look like.

The truth is, my body always tells me when it’s hungry, and what it needs. And if I listen close enough, I will honor it.

And if I don’t listen close enough, the mind in this body always has something to say about it’s own agenda, as it partners with an emotional heart to make its decision.

Funny, it’s so easy to say it’s mine but it’s not, no more than thinking I am in control of the next evolutionarily expression of it.

It took me a long time to wake up to the fact that my body is the temple of God, or whatever you want to call the Source of life.

Though I may use the word “my” many times, I get it.

“I” is what I am when I take away the “am” and “the body.”

Then, the “I am” comes into my consciousness and there I go believing the I am is “the body” not the “I”.

So…..what is beyond what I think I know?

What is before and beyond what you think?

(((Shhhhh,……..Don’t answer……just listen.)))

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Russ Mobley Russ Mobley

Do you have a felt sense


Felt sense…

Have you ever felt like your mind is taking you for a journey you don’t want to be on? Meaning its serving you in a busy, negative and stressed-out and inward way of living?

Have you ever felt like your body is not the way you want it to be, especially when you look in the mirror or how it feels physically? Meaning you want your body different than it is.

Have you ever felt like your heart hurts so much it keeps you living with deep rooted secrets and feelings from days, years and decades gone past that hurts you, but you realize that these hurt feelings are living with you fully in the present right here with you wherever you go? Meaning that you are consciously and unconsciously arranging your whole life trying not re-experience the hurt that is stored somewhere in your mind and body.

Know that you are not alone. This way of living is tiring. Most people live this way and they truly believe by their own thinking and belief system that this way of living is normal. Dealing with it is what you’re suppose to do until you die.

Nothing is farther from the truth.

Life is nothing but a pure FELT SENSE of light, love and eternal bliss.

I discovered my truth when I reached out and received help from someone who experienced being transformed from this old way of living to the new. I had the key to the door to my freedom all along, but I wasn’t ready until I knew I had the key. When I asked for help, I realized I was never able to go thru the door of transformation alone. Changing my old way of thinking, feeling and believing was scary and fearful.

The truth for you in this frame of mind of painful and fearful living is subtle, yet it will be your touchstone to catapult you into taking right action.

This FELT SENSE of knowingness is your true authentic self revealing the untruth lodged in your mind, body and heart. Trust me when I say, it will never go away. You are a beautiful being that will always shine on the light and darkness of this world.

You can trust yourself and live fully and freely.

Take this writing to speak to you directly, and seek and search deep and wide within your own being. You know what to do. You know where to go to set yourself free. You can not and will not ever make a mistake. Life will always guide you and give you what you need to return to your true authentic self.

Your body is your mind made manifest. Look at it, see it, feel it. It will guide you and show you very clearly what is not you. And I love to remind people wherever I go, that there is no time like the present to live your life fully.

Do you have a felt sense?

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Russ Mobley Russ Mobley

be inspired

Life is hard! And you know it, right?

Quite frankly, even when life is going your way, you can still live with the constant belief that life is hard. And that underlying belief sets forth actions and a way of thinking in you, that you call normal. And believe it or not, that way of thinking and believing reinstates more worry and fear even on your best days, because you don’t want to loose what you have and love!

The truth is, you are love and a light that is brighter and more precious than anything in this world, however, the beliefs you hold onto in your head keeps you from your true authentic empowered self.

All of my communication with you is to empower you to live beyond your thoughts and beliefs. You are in control; of what you think and do. The world doesn't teach you this, but you know it intuitively, thats why you are attracted to this blog post. It’s not just the words you see and hear, its the felt sense and internal knowing that you and every person has.

So I encourage you to tap into this divine presence inside of you that no person, organization or business can give you, because you are already what you are seeking. I love to help people help themselves. And what you will find on my daily, weekly and monthly posts are ways for you to get and stay connected to your authentic self.

Do let fear hold you back. Use all off your common sense and will power to look life in the face and be courageous whatever it is you seek to live your life fully. Stay connected with me if you’d like and let me know how you’re doing. I’m serious about that. Living this way requires help from others.

In closing I want to share with you that living an inspired life is the absolutely best thing you can do for yourself no matter what. When you learn to follow your heart and soul 100% you will do the work to live in a way that creates more love, peace and harmony and you will be amazed at how your life keeps getting better and better with a felt sense of freedom and joy that blows your mind away. Until I speak with you again….

Be Inspired!

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Russ Mobley Russ Mobley

Get Inspired Now

Get Inspired now from within!!!
External inspiration is old, outdated, overrated, is not true, and doesn't work!
"Everyday Inspiration" works!

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#inspiration #motivation #success #everydayinspiration

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Russ Mobley Russ Mobley

freeing a negative mood

I find it interesting to discover why I get stuck in a thought or emotional patterns that bring on negative behaviors that I really don’t enjoy. Every time I do the work to be reminded of my truth it frees me to act in a way that occurs as loving, gentle and fun.

And what’s so crazy, is when I ignore all of the little signals to show me this. When I do something that drives me into a deeper state of not feeling good or when I know I don’t want to feel or be that way, that in itself is a sure wakeup call to listen to my highest self calling out to me loud and clear. It takes so much effort and energy to ignore these natural and easy messages that are always there.

This knowing is beautiful. Why in the world would I ever want to ignore my true conscious loving self? There are no good answers for that question. Of course I can explain why, but that is purely intellectual. If I rest back into my awareness and act from that place of consciousness, my life is nothing but an amazing miracle.

I hope you pay attention to these little messages in your own life. There is nothing more amazing than living from a place that has no boundaries or fear. Of course there are always something that appears as resistance but when we keep living and acting from our state of grounded consciousness, nothing, absolutely nothing, can stop us from being at peace.

Life is so beautiful even when its ugly, and even when it hurts. We have to have perspective. Thats just part of being human. Think about it. If we can make peace with the worst of our life experience our whole life becomes beautiful and awesome without doing anything.

We’re simply happy for no reason. This is a simple yet profound shift of awareness. And that my dear friend is my my heart felt note to you!

May you have a great day discovering the essence of life and practice what I am saying.

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Russ Mobley Russ Mobley

Truth - Trump, Biden, You

Odds are you don’t want to hear what I have to say about truth.

If you know the truth, it can set you free. You have probably heard that before.

However, if you do not know the truth, you will seek and search for people, places and events to calm yourself.

Take a look at what’s going on in the world. Many are looking to others to make them feel better.

This process is part of the great awakening that every person needs to realize and wake up to. All the while their fighting, screaming, riots, injuries, deaths that constantly are getting out attention.

These events are used to help us really learn what it means to be happy and free, or scared for our life.

Seeing the truth in our own mind in one thing, seeing others truth is another.

But the truth everyone seeks is spiritual in nature, not psychological.

And this is where no one can do this for you except you.

Typically people wake up to their depressed way of living when their world begins to crumble. Just listen to your thoughts for a while. Write them down and see how negative and depressing they are. We have lots of news, media, and social posting to give us things to feel.

The outside world of politics, family and religion let people let us down first because its close to our heart and when we are disappointed for the millionth time, blaming others is a pretty easy target to hit.

When your or peoples money, food and security is threatened things begin to go crazy as we try to control others to make us happy. I don’t blame this behavior, I did the same thing. I get it. It makes perfect sense and is very logical, but that doesn’t make it right.

There is a problem. If you live by and from this emotional and mental state you will act out accordingly to how you feel and your body and mind has unbelievable memory that keeps duplicating all the garbage from your past thinking and events.

However, If you stay focused on the mentallization and emotions of it all versus re-directing and pointing your consciousness to the truth you will be and feel stuck.

Now here’s the key, when you know this about yourself, this knowing is truth that will set you free from this insane way of thinking and feeling.

Whoa. This is huge.

This typically is the beginning shift for people to free themselves and change. And it doesn’t matter if its about wanting to lose 10 lbs or to stop smoking cigarettes. Maybe you want to increase your pay or get a job, or end or start a relationship. Or how about just not watching the news or getting off of FaceBook.

How much can you look at the world of politics? We all have a breaking point.

If the psychological truth of your state of being were public knowledge how would that be for everyone to see and know what you hear inside your head.

However, if you live in spiritual truth you can train your body and mind to follow your spiritual heart, your consciousness, your witnessing presence that is inside of you.

The kingdom of God, or the source of life is alive in you and you can use you mind to serve you not destruct and destroy yourself.

Until you come to terms that you are doing all of this yourself you will continue to suffer in every way. It’s sad but true. It hurts but its real.

I have lived through this internal personal transformation myself, so I know what I’m talking about.

It takes a lot of research for people like me and you to surrender to their own insanity. I discovered that pride is a great way for creating unnecessary pain and suffering.

May you get to a point where you are willing to let go of your beliefs that no longer serve your heart and soul. Think about it, who wants to be unhappy, miserable and complaining all the time. Who wants to have a body that hurts or a mind thats negative about everything. Even if things are perfect they live waiting for the shoe to drop because it can go away faster than it came.

The only way to change and heal is to point your awareness to the Light of Consciousness within your self.

Many times people need help to do this. Thats where I or someone who you trust can help you. Someone who knows.

Remember, you’re in charge. You are free to do or not do anything. You have free will to do whatever. Pretty scary huh?

Take responsibility for the truth, not your truth. It’s universal not personal. But you must learn that you are not the center of the universe.

The only thing that has a beginning and end is your body. You were born and you will die. Face that. Feel that. Understand it. The question is, how fo you want to live right now?

So here’s a truth to leave you with.

When you decide to do whatever it takes to live by truth versus a lie, know you will know what to do.

You will go thru struggle and strain to change the way you think and feel. You will feel very uncomfortable and scared to death. But you’re already scared, so thats nothing new.

However, when you go thru this scare into the unknown with another person that truly understands you will learn to trust them with your life. Sounds weird, but there’s no other way than for you to face your own fears.

You transcend into a new way of living, thinking and feeling and your view on life will change and you will discover the truth within yourself that is beyond what you know.

Take a look at Trump, Biden and Yourself and all the world events. Take a look at all of the other 7.5 Billion people in the world. Notice how they are all dealing with life as they see and feel it.

I can guarantee you one thing, you can only work on and manage yourself, not them.

Work on yourself first and set yourself free from your own insanity.

Insanity by the way, is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results.

If you think watching the news all day long, and listening to everyone talking about stuff all day long is helping you feel at peace from a state of calm, then go for it. But if you come to realize that its time to let go and wake up to the truth that is beyond understanding then change some things.

If you want want to truth, seek it.

You’ll find it.

So what are the odds?

None, there are none.

So, what does truth have to do with Trump or Biden as it relates to you?


But, they sure can help you get in touch with whats really going on inside of your own psyche and heart.

Only you can discover who you really are beyond the ever changing thoughts and feelings that comes in and out of your awareness.

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Personal Growth Russ Mobley Personal Growth Russ Mobley

Stop struggling…

The secret of non-struggle is to realize that you are not the struggle you see or feel.

When people deal with small things they can easily turn away from them with simple willpower, meaning that you can manage your thinking and actions without additional pain and suffering.

When the small things are left unattended, they become lodged in the mind and body, and their residency takes up your time, energy and willpower, leaving the real you tainted and misdirected no matter what you do, wherever you go or whoever you are with.

Stop struggling…

Let your heart lead…

The secret of non-struggle is to realize that you are not the struggle you see or feel.

When people deal with small things they can easily turn away from them with simple willpower, meaning that you can manage your thinking and actions without additional pain and suffering.

When the small things are left unattended, they become lodged in the mind and body, and their residency takes up your time, energy and willpower, leaving the real you tainted and misdirected no matter what you do, wherever you go or whoever you are with.

When that happens people live in constant disappointment saying they are changing their mind, but they are not. Their mind is leading them around like a dog leading its owner around on a visible or invisible leash.

The more we allow the untrained, mind to lead, the more disconnected, we feel from our true authentic self.

So where does one go from here? Sadly to say, no where? The mind is illusionary even though you have data coming at you non-stop.

You, the real you, witnesses and watches your thinking and actions filling the mind with data that takes you away from your true authentic self if you allow it.

This outline describes what all people try to undo for their whole life. It is their attempt to bridle the mind and stop the pain and suffering that is lodged in there.

And that is the problem of struggling. The only way to let go of it is to let go completely. You must let go of your mind and body and at the same time use the mind and body versus the mind and body using you.

At this point, thats where people fall back on their old ways and techniques of staying stuck, sick, tired, angry and lonely with no way of healing through their own effort.

Trust me, your mind and body won’t like this, and you will witness it all.

And I must say, you will not disintegrate into nothingness because you already are - nothingness. You are the nothingness that your mind and body came from, and your body and mind is purely physical in very subtle to gross forms.

You are what I referred to as heart. Heart is spirit. Heart is invisible presence. This is not anything weird or far out. You have been with yourself since the beginning of time. It’s the only thing about you that doesn’t change.

This is where I love to introduce the concept of the heart because it is the link to get you back to you. The soul of you. The invisible part of you that maintains and sustains sanity, peace, love and joy. It’s always there.

Your heart is the only thing that keeps you connected to the truth and the truth can return you back to your true self if you let it.

There is nothing to do, no place to go, no books to read, no courses to take, no FB to watch, no posts to make, no songs to sing, no people to please, no prayers to beg for, no God to meet or get rid of, no sickness to fear. There is no physical form of any kind to help you struggle less or more. Nothing.

When you wake up to this fact, you will begin to detach from the external world and shift into your internal world.

You will rebirth yourself. You will free yourself. You will learn to love and live without the pain and suffering even though life remains as it is on the outside, you will feel life totally different.

The most exciting experience in life is not one from the mind but one from your true authentic self. When you go through this process you will be amazed. Actually you’re going through it now. How does it feel?

Please wake up to the fact that your life is not a test run and not a race to be lived to see who can collect the most knowledge, toys or experiences. Life is not about how many friends you have or how much money you can make.

Life is not about competing and comparing, hoarding or earning.

Life is nothing but love, light and unending joy and you don’t have to heal or die to experience it. There is no there. That is all the bullshit that the mind created without you.

Don’t believe it. Don’t follow it. Don’t concede to it. Don’t do anything.

Rest back into nothingness. Practice watching it. Learn to relax seeing it.

This is not hard to do. However, what is hard and very difficult to do is to feel your feelings without acting on them and to not to anything with your thoughts. Just let them be there. Let them be a part of you because they are.

In this letting go process you will know what to do or not do in each moment. You won’t even have to think about it.

Without any effort, you will realize that you are walking your mind and you are walking your body. You are no longer under the trance of an unconscious and hypnotic way of living.

You will feel and be alive in every way beyond your knowing and understanding.

If this sounds right to you, real and true, know you are on the path of the heart. Allow your heart to lead and guide you.

May you have an authentic moment right now accepting yourself as you are and take all the necessary actions today needed to expand your heart.

You are not a mistake and you can’t do anything wrong. Your heart and mind will never lie to you and you will always be the see’er, watch’er and witnessing presence that occurs as infinite non-mental love. It’s you!

This is all I have to say right now to you about this. Absorb these words. Feel them. Trust yourself. Love yourself. Be gentle.

And when in doubt, always resort back to love, love, and more love. Love yourself from the heart.

Have a beautiful day no matter how much it hurts or how good it feels. This is your new way. You will never ever be unaware of the divine presence you are. Sound crazy. Good, because when you can see crazy, you know it’s not you.

This is “what your heart has to say”. It’s speaking to you.

Stop struggling.



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Russ Mobley Russ Mobley

How to have LOVE pour through your Heart

We all talk about the LOVE we’ve had, want or need in all of it’s forms. And who wants to be wanting for a place, person or experience that seems to always be just out of reach during your life here on earth. Or to live feeling their broken heart, hurt and sadness and unmet prayers everyday? Who wants to be unhappy in their relationships, jobs or where they live no matter what they do or where they go. Or moreover, to have a belief or faith that leaves them feeling hopeless and helpless.

Believe it or not, YOU are way beyond the love you seek…

Believe it or not, YOU are way beyond the love you seek…

We all talk about the LOVE we’ve had, want or need in all of it’s forms. And who wants to be wanting for a place, person or experience that seems to always be just out of reach during your life here on earth. Or to live feeling their broken heart, hurt and sadness and unmet prayers everyday? Who wants to be unhappy in their relationships, jobs or where they live no matter what they do or where they go. Or moreover, to have a belief or faith that leaves them feeling hopeless and helpless.

I know,…it’s shocking to see and hear the voice in my own head talk this way much less listen to and watch how other people struggle with this dilemma. This physical world seems to make seeking and searching a full time job to change the way people see themselves,….and still, they come up short time and time again. Pretty depressing. However, there is a way out.

Hebrew, Christian, Mohammedan or Buddhist, Saint or Sinner, have one thing in common,….they all in their own way try to bridle the mind and turn to the spiritual kingdom to open their consciousness to the activity and power of “The Christ” within their own being.

And why? Because intuitively, you know a closed heart when you feel it from your own experience. A heart that has not been opened will not allow love to flow into the untouched remains of the Soul.

May you be in a place and space to listen to this audio recording of Michael Singer speaking on how Christmas is a very special time for you to rise into a spiritual union with Christ.

CLICK now and listen.

PS. - I hope you have the spiritual eyes and ears to see and hear this Heart Opening message within yourself! Your mind will probably say something like, “I’m busy or I don’t have enough time.” Let me encourage you to STOP. Don’t listen to it. ASK your heart if this is something you need to listen to and if it says yes, do it.

Listen to it from and through your heart. It will take you 52:02 minutes.

Love and Blessings to you,


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SELF LOVE Russ Mobley SELF LOVE Russ Mobley

Hiding Your Light

Hiding your Light is hiding your Truth.

One of the most profound moments I have ever had is when I realized that, I am one with the Light and I am all that I need and I don’t want or need anyone or anything to give me something to be ok is when I woke up. I had to wake up and come to realize that only I can make that decision.

Hiding your Light is hiding your Truth.

This is your life, home, room, lamp, coat, chair. Are you hiding from the light?

This is your life, home, room, lamp, coat, chair. Are you hiding from the light?

One of the most profound moments I have ever had is when I realized that, I am one with the Light and I am all that I need and I don’t want or need anyone or anything to give me something to be ok is when I woke up. I had to wake up and come to realize that only I can make that decision.

It’s so hard for me to see and understand this unless I have lived enough life to have perspective on the felt disappointment from my own decisions.

Letting your truth out and coming out of hiding is not easy because of the programming and peer pressure. Think about how this plays out in your life.

I remember, once I was sitting in a room full of people who had woken up to the fact that they had used and are still using things to create a light of happiness inside of their heart. They had believed that happiness was an outside thing to be achieved.

They had to generate from external sources like competing and comparing with others to use money, alcohol, food, knowledge, experience, power, winning, etc,….and most of all hiding their truth from everyone including themselves.

I knew I didn’t want their problems or solutions and I wouldn’t trade my life with theirs for anything, yet I was drawn to stay and listen to rediscover my own truth and figure out what it was that was blocking me from living free.

My Light needed to come out of me. I had to own it. I was ready to be ok in the light of my own consciousness. I had heard all my life about sin and the ego and addictions, etc,….bla, bla,…bla,….but now it was my time to get honest with me and let someone see and hear it. Could I really survive and allow people to feel and have their own reactions?

The real question was, “Am I able to feel it and can I handle my own reactions to it.?”

It’s sad how I keep denying myself for the sake of others. Why do I keep trying to empower and help others when I seem to be so afraid to be who I am. Please don’t miss the point I am speaking of. It is the fact that I am alive, well and truth, yet I act as if I am not.

If I hide it from myself thats what I call depression,…I’m literally depressing it down! It’s not a negative thing or a negative word but I can tell you it feels like shit. Excuse the French. Use the word poop if that makes you feel better. But crap is crap. I have to throw the garbage out and keep the good stuff in my head, heart and body. This is rocket science!

For example, if I live my whole life trying not to swear because someone, somewhere said thats a swear word, and your ‘re bad if you say that, and you’re going to hell, and God will never love you, and I will reject you too,…..please! That’s absolutely crazy talk.

When I got the guts, strength and courage to say it out loud to myself, where others could hear, I realized God didn't reject or shame me, but took me in his or her arms figuratively, and I never felt so much love - ever!

So, sitting in the room of people, I explained to them that I was afraid to be honest with them, because if I did they would leave me and reject me just like I explained . BUT, I am here to tell you that was almost 20 years ago. I am no longer willing to live that way. I spoke my truth, they listened, I cried, I laughed in fear, I shook in nervousness, I sweated in worry and in faith, I spoke my truth and I got it out,……and in the end,…..I lived! Ahhhh! Experience is the best teacher I know for me!

So, I must ask you, “What is your light? What is your truth? Are you able willing and able to let it out of hiding?”

Please let me encourage, challenge and motivate you to live from your heart and feel your pain and let it guide you into the room where your light shines brightly. Let it fill you with enough strength and hope to propel you into NOT hiding your light.

Now here’s the truth from my own experience. My truth will never, ever let me go. It will remain forever in my mind and heart until I allow it to be released physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. This is a fact. This has nothing to do with guilt or shame.

I am Free To Be

I am Free To Be

What I just said does not have to be understood by you mentally at all, however, you know exactly what I’m talking about intuitively.

That is the Light of consciousness that I speak of. It’s common sense. It’s Truth. It’s You. Let yourself out. Let your light shine. Do not hide it under anything. Live with dignity, honor and respect. Surround yourself with people who can handle it.

And just like the picture with the lamp, you see the coat over the light,….get up, go over and remove the coat, let your light shine.

No more hiding.

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Russ Mobley Russ Mobley

love is not what i think

L O V E - I have heard that word a million times.

Everyone has a definition for it.

There seems to be that everyone has an expectation to love or be loved.

The biggest obstacle I have is thinking that love is trying to compete and compare with myself and others in all of the activities life.

Spoken or unspoken, we all are trying to be loved and accepted about this thing,…this thing we call love.

I end up judging myself and others with questions that sound like this.

love is not what i think




L O V E - I have heard that word a million times.

Everyone has a definition for it.

It seems to be that everyone has an expectation to love or be loved.

The biggest obstacle I have is thinking that love is trying to compete and compare with myself and others in all of the activities life.

Spoken or unspoken, we all are trying to be loved and accepted about this thing,…this thing we call love.

I end up judging myself and others with questions that sound something like this.

What is it that I'm trying to do?

What do they want me from me?

What do I want from them?

Why is it that I have to share about how I feel?

What do I have to do to get them to love me?

Why can’t we all just get along?

The questions are unending.

In general, it appears love seems to be about my relationship I have with myself and with others.

I think about it all the time.

Then, I begin measuring the times,….

How many times have I tried to love my self and come up short?

How many times have I tried to love others and it not be received or fail trying?

How many times have I tried to receive love from somebody else and I let them down or they let me down, over and over, again and again?

It’s exhausting and scary.

There are many successes too.

Don’t get me wrong.

However, the judgmental mind always has something to say.

There is a perceived emotional void inside of my psyche that feels incomplete, hurt, scared and lonely.

It truly has nothing to do with me, yet I hear it often.

I get it, there is no amount of time, money or power, people, organizations or institutions to help me feel and communicate what I’m truly feeling.

I know I can not think myself into love.

Love is not what I think.

And God knows, I have learned through my trying, it’s not what I do.

The truth is, I have no clue what love is.

But I do know what love is not.

It’s not what I think and it’s not what I do.

This is where I come in, the heart.

Please hear me.

I listen to you think all the time.

When you live trying and trying to push your heart out, meaning surrendering your mind, body to the heart felt presence your sincere passion and joy will be blocked.

You must expect absolutely nothing back in return, then, you can experience an inner joy and peace that occurs detached from all aspects of your mind.

It’s as if you just got out your own way.

You know, love is not what you think.

You can’t get it, earn it or give it away.

All you have to do is stop trying.

I know, you think that is scary and crazy.

Just stop starting or ending any form of loving, liking or being anything.

Let go.

There’s is nothing you can do, there is no book you have to read, there is no person you have to seek, there is no quote you have to memorize or nothing you have to understand.

You are Love.

Thats what you are.

When you use your mind and all of its contents to listen to yourself, you will experience love.

The biggest secret is to stop seeking that which you already are.

You make so much noise, that you try to recruit your body, your heart and me to follow along and we’re already there.

So, just relax.

Just know, you can trust me.

Love will never leave or abandon you.

I promise.

Love will never disappointment you, even if you think it so.

The reason I can say that is because love is your true and only nature.

It is closer to you than your breathing.

It is closer to you than the feeling you have when you touch your palms together.

There is no way you can think yourself out of it.

You are one with it.

I thank you for listening to me, and as we live experiencing life together, keep your attention onto yourself and onto me and over time you will see that you can trust me.

We together will unite with the body.

Pure authentic love, thats what we are.

Body, mind, heart and soul.

Love is not what I think or what you think.

It’s you.

From yours truly,

Your Heart

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Russ Mobley Russ Mobley

How To Get and Stay Connected

The importance of being connected on the inward journey of healing yourself from past hurts is your key to growth.

Love and Blessings to you all!!!


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